Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Movie of the Week

This week,


Starring- Harrison Ford, Sean Connery, Julian Glover, Denholm Elliott

Even though Raiders of the Lost Ark is my favorite Indy film, this one holds a very special place in my heart, and is a very close second. Indy creators, George "childhood ruiner" Lucas and Steven Speilberg sought to bring a lighter touch to the series after the dark and monkey brain filled Temple of Doom. The suggestion was made to have Indiana Jones team up with his father in the search for the Holy Grail, but it was difficult to figure out who would play Henry Jones, Sr. It made sense that James Bond would be the only one who could give birth to an adventure star like Jones, so who better than Sean Connery?

The rapport between Connery and Harrison Ford is absolutely sparkling and it drives the story of the film. The movie opens with an action packed look at Indy as a kid (played by River Phoenix) as he evades tomb robbers in the red rocks of Utah. I always liked this part because of the fun chase on the train, and the fact that Indiana Jones, like me, was from Utah. The story then jumps ahead to 1938 where Indy is charged with finding his father who has gone missing in the search for the Holy Grail. Prof. Jones' trail leads to the Nazis who are also looking for the Grail and will do whatever it takes to get it, even if it means declaring war on the Joneses.

Julian Glover, John Rhys-Davies and Denholm Elliott round out a sterling cast and help give weight to the most comedic entry in the Jones series. Alison Doody is decent as the Nazi hottie, Elsa, but she isn't as strong as Karen Allen in Raiders. Among the best parts of the film are the motorcycle chase, Indy and his father's many arguments and the final battle aboard the tank. Very few action films boast as strong a cast, as engrossing a plot and as much fun as this one. Go watch Junior, I mean, Indiana again. You won't be sorry.

Things to watch for-

How Austrians say 'goodbye'
The Canyon of the Crescent Moon
Hitler's autograph
Lord Clarence McDonald
Ah, Venice

"Nazis, I hate these guys."

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